Portfolio Fund Factsheets
Ermin Fosse Financial Management and Chetwood Investment Management work together to offer a unique investment proposition, combining the best of financial planning and discretionary fund management. Together, we place your best interests at the heart of every decision to deliver superior outcomes for your investments.

Cautious Portfolio
The portfolio aims to provide modest capital and income appreciation. There is an emphasis on capital protection with a significant element invested in lower risk investments to reduce short-term equity market volatility. It aims to retain the real spending power of the investment.
Balanced Portfolio
The portfolio aims to provide a combination of capital and income growth, with the lower risk element offering some protection against equity market volatility. It aims to grow the investment above inflation over the long term.
Balanced Growth Portfolio
The portfolio aims to provide long-term capital growth with the lower risk element offering some protection against equity market volatility. It aims to grow the investment above inflation over the long term.
Moderately Adventurous Portfolio
The portfolio aims to provide long-term capital growth, targeting equity market returns with typically lower volatility. It aims to grow the investment above inflation over the long term
Adventurous Portfolio
The portfolio aims to provide long-term capital growth, adopting a higher risk growth strategy, looking to outperform the equity market. Significant short-term fluctuations in value are likely. It aims to grow the investment above inflation over the long term.